
Trip to Uxmal & Kabah (03.May.2022)

Visit to Uxmal and Kabah

Trip to Xcambo (13.Apr.2022)

Xcambo Mayan ruins and las Salineras

Curso Corto de Hidrogeología

Apuntes para Curso Corto de Hidrogeología

Trips to Mani, Fixyá, Homún, Buctzotz and San Antonio Xiat

Over the past week, Eli, Ismael and I visited several cenotes to survey in water levels and install data logging …

Curso Corto de Python

Apuntes para Curso Corto de Python

Trip to Celestún Cenote

On Friday Feb. 18 2022 I went to Celestún on the northwest coast of the Yucatán to do field work …

First Post, Settling in

First post describing start of Fulbright-Robles-Garcia